And both now report the same vps version 190926-2, which matches that in the defs sub-folder.
Strange, it's still broken here.
Very strange, mine is still reporting the same version in About Avast and the Settings > Update section, backed up by the defs sub-folder.
Is this possibly due to your UI version being 1.0.413 mine is still 1.0.409.
I have to say this issue of any update totally screwing things up Program/UI updates is getting very tiresome. Things that were working just fine are suddenly broken.
I really have to wonder about this monthly update cr4p (breaking stuff) and how it got through Alpha testing and supposed beta testing only to break on release. I think there needs to be a period of consolidation (one month really isn't long enough) to fix what is reported as broken in the forums before moving to the next update.