Author Topic: Update the site with extension info  (Read 4563 times)

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Update the site with extension info
« on: May 27, 2018, 07:20:49 PM »
I just came here to check if the pages I found are the official ones and i'm very thankful the first topic in this section gives answer to my question. What if someone pretends to be Avast software and is not?
Just installed the extension to the browsers I need from the info on the other topic I'm referring to but I was wondering if it could be possible you consider putting this information on the main website for the sake of ease of use especially for people who would not think about checking the forums. The other great thing would be these "extension stores" give a blue mark just like social media do for public personalities but that's out of developers scope.
There's no real need for you to answer, just consider it for a futur update of the website someday.
Kind regards.