Avast Business Pro on-premise console 7.29.911. Agent version 21.32.478 (up to date). Installing on a new Win 10 computer with FU 20H2 and the June 2021 CU. Our subscription is up to date and we have many remaining unused licenses. The installer is quite old; it was generated on April 30 2020.
On this computer there is a different icon in the system tray (orange circle with white upper-case A), and when running Avast from the system tray it will not accept the access password we have assigned.
The machine shows up as correctly licensed and configured in the management console, and the tray icon on the workstation indicates no important issues (it claims I'm unprotected, but only because I have not chosen to install all of the options--a bogus error that I see frequently). This suggests that the client communicated with the console, got the license, and should also have the correct access password.
Restarting the computer does not fix this. Uninstalling and reinstalling Avast does not fix this.
For comparison: Another Win 10 workstation that ALREADY HAD Avast on it, was upgraded to 20H2 with June 2021 CU. It has the same agent version as the problem workstation. The tray icon on this computer was not changed (orange "blob" or "splatter", with lower-case a), and the access password works.
This is a serious problem; I can't have new installs refusing to accept the password.
Can anyone help?