I am a total stranger yes, You think I am afraid to give the reason of the question?
Alright the reason is (and that is my opinion and it may be wrong..I just take my My precautions) , if the user has Avast Anti virus only so maybe the anti virus collects data from the PC and the websites that the user browse....the customer said:
how Digital River got access to my last year's payment data and proceeded in renewing the subscription in a much higher price without my approval? A transaction made by using my debit card number which I never allow to be saved?
I only wanted to know if the user has only 1 avast product (Avast Anti virus) or not.......
Alright I think this is an explanation makes sense and it is valid reason to ask my question......because nowadays sir, with all due respect, most people (alright maybe 50% of people) don't trust anymore at your products and you can read the news, and the topics on this forum by yourself.
I only asked the customer about avast products not about all what he has on his computer.....
So why would he be very curious?
Thank You.