I have the same problem. I made the update a few hours ago. Then when I opened Chrome, I encountered the same warning text. Then I did some research. I have read your message. I also updated my dad's computer to try it out. There was no warning before updating. Warning message appeared after Avast update.
There were people who had similar problems in the past years. They shared some solutions. I tried all of them one by one, but the warning letter doesn't go anyway. Maybe this problem is not for everyone. However, the common point of those who have this problem today is that they have made the Avast update.
My computer is licensed Avast Premium Security
My father's computer Avast Free Antivirus
Program version: 20.2.2401 (build 20.2.5130.561)
Please help us with this.
Best regards.
Serhan B.
Edit: I just did an experiment. I disabled Avast protection for 10 minutes. When I opened Chrome, that warning no longer appeared. However, when I activate the protection again, the same warning message appears again.
In summary; A problem after the last update of Avast. Please help us to solve this problem completely. Thanks.