Yesterday I downloaded foxitreader free version from their website. I selected custom install, as i always do in case the bundle installed other programs/browser hijacks or other unwanted rubbish. Shortly after installing foxit reader, Avast antivirus began installing.
Thought you guys would like to be made aware I specifically did not give it authorisation to install on my system, but it did anyway.
The outcome of this was I immediately uninstalled foxit reader and avast products from my PC. After this I had to manually remove the avast folder from my program files and I followed this up by completing a full malware scan of my system. (This scan found my system to be completely clean.)
Please Avast be aware that selling your products bundled in unscrupulous install packages does nothing for your brand or programs you are selling, it just alienates people.
I previously used avast antivirus free for many years very successfully, when it was a lightweight, low footprint virus scanner. Like everything these days its evolved into a huge cumbersome machine resource hog which isn't what I have ever looked for in an antivirus solution.