Today I got a strange message that my "Windows update service" cloudn't start.
I forgoto to take a screenshot.
But i have fount the location of the encoded .VBE file and decoded it to .VBS.
Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Windows Updates Files\Windows Updates Service.vbe
When scanning with Avast, I get a virus warning. But on 7 December I did a full virus scan. I am curious how this got here.
Here is the decoded virus: has a very weird site. And I got like 3 antivirus vendors to react: ESET, Kaspersky and Sophos.
Can someone tell me if i need to wipe all my data
I got a back-up to Nextcloud. And this data is back-upped on a write protected drive in Debian. That is only accessible in a certain format XD
Here the Encoded file: