Hi, I'm reaching out in hopes that someone in the Avast Forum will be able to sort something out for me.
Each time I run Avast AntiVirus scan, I'm presented with this warning in the final "Smart Home Risks" section: "Each of these devices on your network is a potential risk, giving hackers a way into your router, your network, and your life."
I'm wi-fi free in my home. I prefer to be after researching harmful effects of mm waves et al...being bombarded by the electric company's smart meter pulsations (without my informed consent btw) and whatever I'm exposed to in public is bad enough...so I choose to hard-wire my computer through a CISCO modem...w/NVIDIA nForce, ethernet connection exclusively.
Doing so obviously doesn't present any risk to a hacker through a router...so I'm curious what sort of risk that piece of equipment poses to my network and/or life...as those would seem to be accessible only through direct hacking through the modem into my computer and on-line activity. Pretty slim likelihood, I mean, who tf am I to target that way right?
If it turns out that my specific set-up does not present that sort of risk...if someone could provide direction as to how I might avoid getting that scan warning, that'd be awesome!
Any clarification you could provide to further inform me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and blessings!
P e a c e t h r o u g h L o v e . . . J u s t i c e t h r o u g h T r u t h
"The first duty of a Man and of the King is the seeking after and the investigation of Truth." - - Cicero