I have developed an app using Python-for-Android.
I don't think it contains anything suspicious, and on Virustotal.com -
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/943d5c2ec4f300a5621b428806281b7db9f1a3bade882cabd037e27897dd2a96?nocache=1 - all 49 security packages - even Avast - say that it is harmless. But when I install it on my MOTO G5 Android 8.1.0 phone I get a warning from Avast saying the following. Translated from Danish:
" Suspicious app detected!
Geo-ESP Training has been reported as a suspicious app. Detection-ID: f2a0ea355cad "
How can I (and other users of my app) get rid of that warning?
Thank you.
I have sent the APK-file to the False Positive Reporting page mentioned in the reply below.