Finaly you win? what you mean,becourse i not understand this Tech.
We have never have a fight.
But i have a litle problem. I did send a email to the Technical support.
And i read this mail 10 minutes a go, and if i publiced here the mail,
step by step then have this maybe consequenses for all of us.
Its i think a matter between Adam Riley and me.
Its possibly that every one this go doing, and this is maybe dangeres.
Its helps me whit me problem,but there are people who not exactly know
how to do this.
I read in magazines and tips and trucs,and so you understand better
your computer.But the only thing what i can say is that i have place
a QuickButton on me desktop,and so i can follow the logbook.
And for the note ,when i did the job done,send AVAST me 2 Updates.
I hope that you understand me,but i am carefully whit this Stuff.