Author Topic: Avast Business Hub 8.16  (Read 2987 times)

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Offline Pavel Jirsak

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Avast Business Hub 8.16
« on: March 15, 2021, 09:50:52 AM »
We're pleased to announce that Avast Business Hub 8.16 has been released! (March 13, 2021).

The release brings several quality of life improvements and bug fixes.

New Feature(s) & Enhancements
•   (Multi-tenant) Added site/customer column to the Task report when scheduled for multiple sites/customers.
•   (Multi-tenant) Updated onboarding videos.
•   Added WAN IP address to the device detail page.
•   Groups page updates data immediately when moving devices between them.
•   Improved performance on the Devices page so that it displays a large amount of devices faster.
•   Improved accessibility when using a keyboard for the main navigation.
•   The macOS installer is now available as the Light version only.
•   “Update via” column on the Devices page was moved to the end of the list.
•   Master Agent tooltips and confirmation dialogues were slightly adjusted.
•   Generating support package was improved so it shows if it’s in progress or it failed.
•   Cloud Backup closed beta: Added a report showing history of performed backup jobs.
•   Cloud Backup closed beta: Added a report showing summary information related to backup for each device.
•   Cloud Backup closed beta: Added a dashboard widget with basic overview of Cloud Backup.

Resolved issues
•   Fixed an issue with getting an error when accessing policies
•   Fixed an issue with devices not following restart policy settings
•   Fixed an issue with creating a scan task from the task page when the page is empty
•   Fixed an issue when a Viewer wasn’t able to see the device detail
•   Fixed an issue with missing Copy to clipboard functionality for generated support packages on the device detail
•   Fixed an issue with Real Site component being turned off automatically
•   Cloud Backup closed beta: Fixed an issue when excluded folders (via Policy) were not correctly propagated thus data were backed up

Known issues
CBC-11805   Incorrect subscription usage shown in the console
CBC-12938   Stopping task for patch deployment doesn’t work
CBC-14264   An error is shown after Remote Deployment
CBC-14635   Patch management service installation fails
CBC-15239   Devices showing wrongly expired licenses
CBC-15767   Getting an error when trying to delete a policy

Find Release notes and Roadmap on our portal

Product manager | Taking care of the cloud and on-prem consoles

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