Hi Hard_Rocker,
With NoScript installed, my friend, you are not only safe now, but also in many, many cases for the future.
Insecure script is the main vector by choice for malware to enter onto your machine, and it is one of the main malware vectors in the case of flaws, and many 0-zero exploits can be explained as such as well.
Lift the NoScript barrier only for those sites you know to be secure, temporarily lift if you need access to some functionality on safe sites.
The extra security of Flock comes because it is a relative rather small platform (less chosen to be attacked).
The Flock code is based on Mozilla's, but there are different coding solutions, e.g. Clucene.cvs & CLucene_build.
As you have noticed Flock is smoother, and more stable.
Coders that code now, do this with more security at heart than in the old days.
It is the old dinosaur code (either Google's, Netscape's, IBM's) where they should give a second glance what complexity does..