Hi ye all,
This was precisely what made the off-topic go "bunkers". Endless discussions that went round and round, serving no end. And what bob3160 says is right, that good friendships were made there, but it also turned people away from the forum, and that was a sorry thing to experience. I remember some threads closed over our heads, that started out as a genuine discussion (e.g. the Arovax discussion - I have it on my computer now, but was rather critical about it in the beginning), and then in the heated debate the whole thread had to be taken out. Some forum members even started to emigrate "virtually speaking". Learned a lot that way. Let us not restart these items!
I saw a lot of people grow here into real advanced malware fighters, even youngsters in China where I could ignite a bit of the real true malware fighting spirit, and the graduation of essexboy for instance who took the bootcamp of a malware fighting forum's academy to be able to help malware victims more effectively. I myself could help out a bit in browser security, and even some of security coding goes into the FF 3.0 Minefield trunk version. So I owe an awful lot to the inspiring Avast product and the mods that inspired me to do all this. Learned to be an effective searcher for cleansing routines also.
So let us focus on the things that are really important, OK?