Just plain Common Sense will protect you from this typ of infection, certainly until a signature if added to any VPS.
Nice way to spin it, so why even have a anti-virus program installed??
........a lot of users rely on their anti-virus program to protect them, because they dont have the knowledge about virus aso.
First alwil needs a sample of the virus, then the detection can be added.
A couple of years ago, virus definitions where released weekly. (mcafee at the time) With the volume of new virus relatively low, this was deemed adiquate. In the case of a major out break, extra dats where released. I just got in the habit of checking their library, to see what was new and when the scheduled date for detection was. A quick read gave me enough info to recognise an infected e-mail.
The info is out there. People have to be aware that there is a time frame between new virus and detection. They can't just rely on any program, the brain has to be a part of the equation.
I do agree with you that sometimes the detection has been lagging. This has to inprove.
Today, updates have to be more frequent with all the new/variants. Malware authors are improving and have a head start.