Author Topic: Avast Business Hub 8.18  (Read 2621 times)

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Offline Pavel Jirsak

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Avast Business Hub 8.18
« on: April 14, 2021, 05:39:30 PM »
We're happy to announce that Avast Business Hub 8.18 has been released! (April 14, 2021).

The release brings increased security with supporting Two-Factor Authentication for signing in, and several improvements related to the Devices page, now able to show devices across multiple sites or customers.

New Feature(s) & Enhancements
•   Added support for Two-Factor Authentication for sign in.
•   Added Devices page into the Multi-company consoles so that it’s possible to display and manage devices across multiple sites/customers.
•   Devices page export was changed so that it exports only devices filtered on the page.
•   Device page export was updated with additional device related data (last AV or Patch scan).
•   Device tooltip on the Devices page shows Device Real Name.
•   Updated Device page heading where it only shows the number of groups all devices are divided into instead of the number of all groups.
•   Added search functionality for MAC and WAN IP address columns on the Devices page.
•   Added Completed date and time to the completed tasks on the device detail page.
•   The page for adding a new device was slightly redesigned for better usability.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Redesigned Backup section of Policies.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): By default, the Backup policy contains predefined parameters which will be applied right after installation if not changed in the Hub. There is no longer the option to "turn off backup" via policy.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Added ability to the backup entire content of a defied folder.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Removed the backup job state "In progress" previously displayed on a device detail.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Removed option to just disable Cloud Backup service on a device from the Devices page.

Resolved issues
•   Fixed an issue with devices shown as online while they were offline.
•   Fixed an issue with alerts on the Dashboard where they were not removed automatically after a user resolved them.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Fixed an issue with the wrongly displayed duration of a particular backup.
•   Cloud Backup (closed beta): Fixed an issue with the wrongly displayed total backup size of a device in the Cloud Backup Overview report.

Known issues
CBC-12938   Stopping task for patch deployment doesn’t work
CBC-14264   An error is shown after Remote Deployment
CBC-14635   Patch management service installation fails
CBC-15423   An error when trying to subscribe for more devices
CBC-15703   Cyber Capture cannot be disabled via policy
CBC-16084   An internal error after removing a device

Find Release notes and Roadmap on our portal
Product manager | Taking care of the cloud and on-prem consoles

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