So, 5 minutes ago I received an alert from Avast that a Virus was noticed. It was something like masterbuilder IDP generic, I don't remember well.
The fact is that I moved it into the virus chest as requested by Avast, but I can't find it there! The last "virus" that I can see is from 15 days ago and there is no trace of this "virus". Also in the history no trace of it, neither in the notifications.
That's strange as I didn't install anything new aside from games from the Xbox App but in a different HD, even if in this one there's a folder named "msdownld.tmp", so I guess it could be something related? Even because Avast got triggered immediatly after I closed a game on Xbox App.
So my question is: Do you think could be related to the game? Also, How can I see what was the virus? There's a log I can enter to see the details of the window I saw?
Where should I look exaclty? Because in the report folder I can't see it, all the last entries on the txt files are from 2 days ago, maybe I'm looking in the bad place?
I just would like to see which files Avast was indicating in that window that has been opened. Could it be a bad virus deleting its traces? That's seems absurd.
Thank you!