I'm still getting the daily notice that the program needs to update and there aren't any further updates.
Selecting to do the updates does nothing except change my status from unsafe to safe.
You already have my logs. Any new information? Thanks
Hello, I got your logs from Petr Matelesko but unfortunately there were only applications logs in package and not setup (Icarus) logs from c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Icarus\Logs\. On the other hand from what I saw on screen you posted in different topic you were correctly updated to the latest build and problem seemed to be "only" in UI dialog which offered you another update even if you were already up-to-date so we agreed with Petr that UI team will look on it. I will ask him if there is some progress.
Meantime you can re-check your current build version in AV UI. There should be
21.4.6266 version which is the latest published build in this BETA channel. If yes, it indicates that you are correctly updated and issue is in UI component. If not, can you please collect Icarus setup logs from: c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Icarus\Logs\? Thank you