Hi marc57,
But it is a misconception that a webbrowser as it is installed by default is a safe or rather say a secure browser. That is not the case. Why would people "in the know" not admit it. In the hands of the unaware any browser a la default could turn your machine into an adware spewing, malware ridden beast.
Sometimes I have the feeling like some parties do not want to alter this situation, because it suits them to leave it as it is. It is a known fact here that malicious script is the main vector of browser hijacking, malware, adware etc. But when there is an add-on that really matters in this respect, everybody in choir ccries wolf. They know darned well that an insecure browser leaves you a a prey for DirectRevenue and all of the spammers that try to clog the Internet. But they live hand in foot with the dark side only because of the gigantic money involved.
The sad thing is the newbies, unaware, and un-educated swallow their rethoric, because it is soild as expertise. They don't like peoiple to find out about the things that go on under the radar: tracking, profiling, earning money over the back of the user. One could say alas this should come to pass, because something has to pay to keep it free. OK, I agree be upfront about it, and don't put the meek at risk,