FMI: What Programm want to connect to the internet?
ramam, forgive my fartting brain
...I realized the outbound program is just an ICMP to my ISP. I thought that is was avast, but since I had added to the avast4.ini file, the ICMP has completely stopped. Thanks again
estatik, are you sure your computer is actually sending out data, or is it receiving data?
On any connection, especially broadband, you'll get rouge connection attempts from infected pcs and/or hackers. That blinking may be Sygate doing its job and keeping intruders out.
Also, if your computer *is* sending out data, post the IP addresses. That may help us diagnose the problem. (Don't post your IP however if you have a broadband connection).
n4cer, my pc is sending BOTH inbound/outbound and when the sygate icon flashes, nothing is being logged. I aggree with you that they might be futile attempts, but then shouldn't my firewall log the blocked traffic? By the way, when I do get inbound/outbound traffic blocked, they do get logged, but only when the sygate's incoming/outgoing icon is red. The flashing that I'm concerned about are blue, which I assume are traffic accepted by my firewall? Call me paranoid
, but I had one too many "intrusions" to date