Consumer Products > Avast Secure Browser

'Happy with us' won't go away.

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Hey all. New here. I checked to see if there were any help topics for this, but I can't find any.

See, every time I load a new page, I keep getting that popup 'Are you happy with us?' and asking me 1-10 if I'd recommend. It won't go away. I've answered it at least a dozen times, closed it twice as many, but it keeps. Coming. Back.

Anyone know how to shut it up for good? Thanks in advance!

I'm having this same issue. Until it's fixed I will not be using Avast Browsing. I have autism. This is driving me to tears because I can't stand the frequent interruptions. And I can't get in touch with anyone to ask about it. This needs to be fixed now

I am also having this issue

Please post your Diagnostic Information. You can get it by visiting this link: secure://settings/diagnosticInfo

I am also having this issue


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