I was just wondering: what is it that you like about Comodo PF?
Great firewall. I use it since from the beggining of the betas...
The interface could be better, but, after all is the only 'very good' firewall that we have as freeware.
I would love if you 'join' Comodo or you can increase your coding time using Comodo as a 'first' step on Alwil firewall.
Other points:
1. Rule firewall.
2. Application and network protection (with rules).
3. Languages allowed.
4. Low resources usage (RAM), but from time to time, the service takes huge CPU cicles.
5. Updated frequently at startup (could allow a little bit more configurability on this topic).
6. Forum support.
7. Beta program allowed.
8. Good protection (leak tests).
9. Balanced decision (allow or not) and security. Configurability.
10. Standalone application (not a suite).
11. Recognize networks at installation time. Recognize added networks (for instance, VMWare ones).
12. "Scan for Known Applications" feature. Although a small database of predefined applications.
13. Free and pro versions.
14. Packet filtering.
Cons (or could be better):
1. Logging is not that good.
2. Misses a 'save configuration'. Unfortunatelly, uses the Windows Registry for that and then we need to manage registry (export) to get it, manually. Registry cleaners interfere. There isn't a 'cleaner' for non-existent programs (that you allowed in the past). For the same reason, there isn't a import feature.
3. Does not show the path of the allowed application.
4. Requires a 'must have' path for installation.
5. Does not show a 'search' button for application and components (libraries) interface to search Google, for instance, and learn more about the allowed item.
6. Not skinnable. Poor GUI.
7. Requires registering (not automatic).
8. On installation, you can make the 'wrong' easy decision to use it as Windows Firewall, i.e., allowing all outbound connections.
9. Slow on login, I mean, the Windows Central Security accuses the absence of a firewall before Comodo is loaded. Fortunatelly, Comodo driver blocks input/output connections at this login time.
10. Memory management, I mean, driver takes other applications space on memory and could lead to crash. This was deeply improved on last versions.
11. To install a new version you need to uninstall the old one. It's a pity, generates too much work.
12. Does not allow to 'dismiss' parent application check while using, I mean, you need to open the settings panel to change the rules.
13. Not (yet) Vista compatible.
I mean, I once trialed it and didn't find it that great
Why not? What didn't you like it?
To be honest, it is probably no secret that we're working on our own PF and so I'd like to take your input as a constructive discussion of the final version of avast personal firewall.
Wow... we don't need to keep this secret anymore... Is Peter Kurtin working hard on it? Does the code advance since last winter?
As you can see by my first observations, Comodo has a lot of similarities with avast
Vlk, except our honored David with Outpost Pro, the most of the old guys here use Comodo right now.
Vlk, I suggest that you open a new board for the new firewall now, you can start discussion about firewalls etc. on this new board. I will either move this thread as the first of the new board.