I use COMODO because is free and in Matousec's tests is the best, but if some company releases a best(free) FW i'll install it and uninstall CFW.
Maybe CFW isn't the best, but you can trust, no spyware, no ad-aware... like i use AVASt! Home.
But i'm not a man in love. I used CFW, and ihad problems, then i used Jetico(v 1), when problems of CFW go out, i'll returned to CFW.
You don't like CFW, all right, there're a lot of FW. My brother doesn't like AVASt, he prefers AVG free, but he trusts AVST, but simply prefers AVG free. A lot of AV's and FW's. You can choose.
Ah! I use ST, i know bad past of crawler, but now i don't fins problems with it.
Sorry my bad english, i NEVER will learn, haha. I'm dim.