Hi Dan,
I was a user of ZA for ages, until I found that this fw did not support Tor, also over-bloatedness etc.
made me decide to go for another fw, that is COMODO. I also installed COMODO BoClean updated to version 4.25, no complaints ther either. Every software house has something hanging in the closet, there were some things with ZA with MacAfee support in the past, there was code that could take the fw out.
But all this did not lead to a thread like this one crucifying ZA, and these were not only rumours.
It is the same when you say well Google has so many services out now, sitting on a big sugarbowl of data, in the future they may be tempted to run some fingers through this bowl, now we cannot be safe without encrypting all our personal data, I cannot pass clear text to Google. In this case the best policy is not to pass these personal data out to Google or fake your data from a non-existing street in a former country
(East Germany for instance) and start to run your TrackMeNot extension. So if you do not trust your data to be behind a certain fw, do not use it, simple as that,
P.S. Well Polish sausage is world class.