Author Topic: Avast Business Hub 8.28  (Read 2647 times)

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Offline Pavel Jirsak

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Avast Business Hub 8.28
« on: September 01, 2021, 01:44:47 PM »
We're happy to announce that Avast Business Hub 8.28 has been released! (September 1, 2021).

This release brings a brand new feature, Network Discovery, currently in beta, with completely redesigned Remote Deployment. Alerts now have a new alert detail page with additional information.
New Feature(s) & Enhancements
•   Added a new feature Network discovery (beta) which brings you the possibility to scan your network and discover devices on it. Bringing visibility over your network is key for making sure no rogue devices are lurking in your network, and those other legitimate devices are properly configured. You can find it on the Devices page.
•   Remote deployment has been replaced with a completely new implementation in the Network discovery feature. Now you can remotely deploy Avast services on a device discovered in Active Directory, or through scanning your network. Only Windows devices are supported.
•   In-console Alerts got an alert detail page with additional information, recommendations, or recurrence information so that it’s easier to deal with those alerts.
•   Cloud Backup device details were added to the devices managed from a multi-company console.
•   The Cloud Backup widget on the main dashboard uses device alias instead of real device name.
•   Cloud Backup allows local device overrides for device specific settings. Those settings won’t be overwritten by the policy.
•   Virus Chest renamed to Quarantine to match with AV client interface.

Resolved issues
•   Fixed an issue with getting an error when deleting a policy.
•   Fixed an issue with creating a new customer or site under a multi-company console.
•   Fixed an issue with creating a new Global policy.
•   Fixed an issue where a policy doesn’t load its data under rare circumstances.
•   Fixed an issue where dismissing some alerts wouldn’t work properly.
•   Fixed an issue with getting Patch alerts on devices where all patches are already deployed.
•   Fixed an issue where more concurrent sessions were possible to initiate using the 1 concurrent session PRC license.
•   Fixed an issue with an internal server error when trying to close an account in Business Hub.

Known issues
CBC-12938   Stopping task for patch deployment doesn’t work
CBC-15370   Files stuck in virus chest under deleting status in console
CBC-15713   Remote Access Shield exclusions reject IP address range
CBC-17182   Restart dialogue comes back after manually canceled by a user

Find Release notes and Roadmap on our portal
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