Thanks to
b2barker for the patience to work through a lengthy series of tests.
A an extra point worthy of note was that the incompatibility between the avast and Scalix plugins exhibited the same problem referred to in this thread and that the option of turning off the outbound scanning in the avast Outlook plugin (Customize > Scanner tab) overcame the problem. This solution leaves the user with avast providing essential scanning of inbound mail at the lesser expense of forgoing outbound scanning.
b2barker has a number of Scalix plugins activated for his Outlook client. We did not establish the specific plugin causing the problem.
The problem exhibited itself as messages being sent as plain text along with a winmail.dat file attachment contaning the rich text version of the message and the message contained scalix message separators. Many receiving mail clients are unable to display the proprietary format of the winmail.dat file. When the avast plugin was not scanning the outbound mail the messages were sent in the normal multipart/alternative format with plain text and html alternative sections.
As noted by b2barker we did test with the Internet Mail provider. For anyone experiencing this type of incompatibility who considers the outbound scanning absolutely essential then the Internet Mail provider may may be used (rather than the Outlook plugin) if the connections to the server are simple POP/SMTP unsecured connections.