A rescue disc get the VPS version at the moment it's created.
When you run the rescue DVD there is a button "Uppdate VPS".
That update takes a few minutes.
After uppdate the window still say's the old VPS version. If you push "Uppdate VPS" again it say's no update available.
When you create a report it say's the old VPS version.
This is very important. Kan I count on that I get the last VPS version when I get ransome attacked after 1 year
Do I have to do new rescue discs all the time ?
Hi magnus.bergs, thank you for your post.
Let me start from the end - there is no need to create Rescue Disk everytime you need it. So when you create Rescue Disk on e.g. DVD, it can be still useful when you fight with some malware on your computer later as the virus definitions (VPS) can be updated although the detection engine may stay older (from the time you created it).
Also, I just re-tested the scenario with DVD media and creation as well as update (in this case it creates temporary folder where the virus definitions can be updated) works well.
We, however will update the Rescue Disk in the future by confirming success of the VPS update so it is more clear for you, our users/customers.
btw: Rocksteady mentioned (and thank you rocksteady for that) creation of the Rescue Disk on usb which could be faster and booting from it easier. But there is not much difference, the core is the same.Thank you and have a nice day! Petr