What is Avast Überevangelist? Is a moderator? Where a link for informations about the moderators and administrators?
Yes, they are moderators.
I haven't seen any documentation around this site that outlines the full nature of what their moderating roles are limited to, but I do know that at least CraigB can delete, so I assume all the other Überevangelist staff members also have that same authorization to delete and possibly edit posts.
Well, I should be careful about that, because it was in 2020 when I received information through the site's PM system from CraigB about some of my posts being deleted. I'm assuming their authorization to do so has not been taken from them since 2020. Of course, I could be wrong, and I'll be corrected, if I am. But for the 2020 case I have the files in my archives, so I am not wrong about what they could do in 2020. In March, to be exact.