Consumer Products > Avast BreachGuard

Free gift of BreachGuard

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I've been sent this as a gift for renewing Avast. However, I've been sent a Windows version and I have a Mac. How do I contact Avast and ask them to send a Mac version. I've scoured the help pages and can find no way of actually contacting them. Is it a fact that this is not possible? They do have a contact phone number at the bottom of their main page but this is a US number and I'm in Spain. Any help would be appreciated.

I've alerted Avast. Let's see if that helps.

Many thanks, bob - I will await results!


--- Quote from: jwallace on July 06, 2022, 11:19:51 AM ---I've been sent this as a gift for renewing Avast. However, I've been sent a Windows version and I have a Mac. How do I contact Avast and ask them to send a Mac version. I've scoured the help pages and can find no way of actually contacting them. Is it a fact that this is not possible? They do have a contact phone number at the bottom of their main page but this is a US number and I'm in Spain. Any help would be appreciated.

--- End quote ---


Please contact Avast Support via email -

Dr Zyklon:
Good luck, my "free gift" came with an activation code that doesn't work  :)


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