Author Topic: Avast Boot-Time Scan Not Running  (Read 10077 times)

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Re: Avast Boot-Time Scan Not Running
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2022, 04:51:53 PM »
Thanks Milos.

Whilst I'm aware of the geek:area
However, don't you think it is about time Avast UI team documented this hidden area (what is Avast afraid of) ?

It seems to me that this area is quite documented.
What more do you want?
More advertising on the link that redirects to the explanations of this area? which is more or less hidden because it is advanced settings (1) to not let the first user change the settings and (2) not to overload the "basic" interface

If users don't know about the hidden, undocumented geek area in the program, how do you expect them to search for it in avast support (when they don't know of its existence). ?

As I have said many times when a user would try to enter the geek:area (if they ever got to know about its existence) give a suitable warning.   Such as those in many programs settings/permissions.  My old favourite was the old Firefox warning for about:config, 'Beware there be Dragons here.'   
Which changed to a more mundane one (which required an acknowledgment:
Proceed with Caution
Changing advanced configuration preferences can impact Firefox performance or security.
Windows 10 Home 64bit/ Acer Aspire F15/ Intel Core i5 7200U 2.5GHz, 8GB DDR4 memory, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD/ avast! free  24.8.6127 (build 24.8.9372.862) UI 1.0.814/ Firefox, uBlock Origin, uMatrix/ MailWasher Pro/ Avast! Mobile Security

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Re: Avast Boot-Time Scan Not Running
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2022, 05:17:13 PM »
it is true that the warnings are more pronounced on the FAQ than when you enter the zone through the UI where it is still mentioned at the beginning and in bold: "for skilled avast users".
At the same time it's the snake that bites its own tail because - as you say - it's difficult to enter the interface without first going through the FAQ where the warnings are quite present.
No doubt if avast wanted to make this area more accessible (bypassing the FAQ) it would put the appropriate warnings before entering the area, but for now I think its policy is to target users who read the FAQs and who are generally fairly knowledgeable users and not "click-everywhere" users.
edit:On the other hand, I don't really believe that users who enter such a zone (like firefox's "about:config") bother to think 3 times  ;) it's more to protect the software publisher

I would add that if avast wanted to make the interface more accessible, it would have to start by making it accessible in the language of the interface because as you can see from my capture here, as far as I'm concerned it's rather translated into "franglais"  ;D
« Last Edit: August 11, 2022, 05:49:17 PM by chris.. »

Online DavidR

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Re: Avast Boot-Time Scan Not Running
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2022, 09:22:29 PM »
It still comes down how do you go about searching for something that you don't know anything about.

For me there (speaking for users not myself), where is the problem when this is documented in the program with a suitable warning and acknowledge required as in my example image.

I also believe this area needs a root and branch redesign so it isn't a scroll fest to find anything (the main UI isn't like that why should it differ for the geek:area.  Someone should also look at the options there as many I feel should never have placed there anyway.

I agree with you about translation of the geek:area, which would fall under a complete redesign of that area including installed language support.
Windows 10 Home 64bit/ Acer Aspire F15/ Intel Core i5 7200U 2.5GHz, 8GB DDR4 memory, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD/ avast! free  24.8.6127 (build 24.8.9372.862) UI 1.0.814/ Firefox, uBlock Origin, uMatrix/ MailWasher Pro/ Avast! Mobile Security