some suggestions for your Mac version.
1) I'm a new Mac user, so I'm probably just ignorant, but I had a problem uninstalling the product on Leopard, until I read the thread down in this forum, which worked fine. The optimal (read user-friendly) solution in my book would be if the icon could just be dragged from the Applications folder to the Trash whether or not any Avast daemon was running. But I'm no Mac developer so I don't know if this is technically possible. Otherwise maybe there could be a "Quit" button somewhere in the GUI, if not in the menu. Since the application is able to stop itself when the checkbox "Launch at startup as a persistant application" gets unchecked, why not make this a menu item requiring the user to enter an administrator password?
2) After following the uninstallation steps from the other topic in this forum I noticed that a rule in Mail.app ("avast! Dont change me") wasn't removed. No big deal either, but would be nice if all traces were removed of course.
Best regards,