the message:
Threat blocked
We've blocked mshandler.exe:PE because it was infected with Win64:lnjectorX-gen [Trj]
We can also protect you from other types of threats
Move to Quarantine - More options
more details:
Threat name - Win64:lnjectorX-gen [Trjl]
Threat type - Trojan — This threat pretends to be something else (e.g., a picture, document, or other file) to trick you into running it and infecting your computer.
File path - *AMSIProcess:C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft\Edge\AppIication\mshandler.exe:PE
Process - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\mshandler.exe
Detected by - File Shield
Status - Blocked
Option - report as false positive
this message keeps popping in every time I restart the laptop. is there any fix or solution for it?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.