Business Products > Avast Business for Linux

Debian bookworm


Hi there,

We're using Avast for Linux in a Proxmox Mail Gateway setting, which is currently upgrading its base system from Debian bullseye to bookworm. Is there a date for when bookworm will be supported? Or can I simply upgrade the software base and keep using the current Avast for Linux release?

Radek Brich:
Hi, we're working on this, a new release with support for Debian 12 will be released soon (probably next week).
The packages from Debian 11 won't work, because they depend on older versions of system libraries (especially libssl1.1 vs libss3).

Thanks for the info, I assume there will be an announcement when the updates goes online.  :)

Radek Brich:
It's out now as version 4.4.0.


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