Consumer Products > Avast Driver Updater

Feature Request or is there already a human readable log?

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For a couple of weeks I've been experiencing a BSOD event on a daily basis. I've isolated the issue and the date of its first occurrence using Windows Event Viewer to
0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xffffbd055b0b8cf0, 0xffffce08cc48f750, 0xffffbd055ac05b50)  Apparently this indicates a driver issue.

I would like a report/log that can be generated from the GUI that lists the driver updates by date so that I can quickly find and rollback the offending driver(s) installed on the date before the first BSOD event.   

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

I am really sorry for all troubles associated with usage of our product. This is not intentional behavior.

In order to be able to help you I would like to ask you to send us your log files executing our Support Tool utility.
The support tool is available under c:\Program Files\Avast\Driver Updater\

Please run the “SupportTool.exe” and follow the instructions. Once it is done, please send me the file here via private message.

Thank you.

Hi Uli,

Thanks for your reply. The issue was not directly caused by the Avast Driver Updater. It may have updated the driver that caused the issue, but there is nothing to fix from your end so there is no point in sending log files. 

The issue for me is that I have to do three clicks on each driver (one at a time) to find the install date. There are a lot of them and it's counter productive to do it one at a time when the technology exists  to automate the search process.  If I could run a report to screen I could quickly identify the date of the rogue driver and roll it back to an earlier version that doesn't cause a BSOD. .

This is a request for a new feature not for support on a specific issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Is anyone there who can assist with this? I would welcome a response.

I ran Avast Smart Scan today and it identified 21 drivers requiring an update.

I am loathe to do the updates because if I get a BSOD again I have spend too much time looking for the the driver that caused the issue. Providing a report to screen is not a difficult task.

I have not re-installed Avast Driver Updater since the BSOD  issue because I  fear the same issue occurring again and am unlikely to renew my subscription until I have confidence that I'm not going to end up in the same situation - having to spend hours going through all the updates one by one to find the problem driver.

So far your only communication with me has been to ask for a log file which completely misunderstands my original request.

Why not create a restore point, Do the updates for all drivers except the one that gave you the problem.
If that works, create another restore point and update the problem driver.
If it works great if there's a problem, just go back to the restore point.


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