I need your helps.Since 3 days ago I began to have a problem with Avast. When I connect to the Wifi network and Avast is updating the definitions the avast service throws an error on the event viewer "Avast Service terminated unexpectedly delays 5000 seconds".
The consequences are that when I try to browse on firefox or chrome I can't.So I have to restart shields manually and everything starts working fine. Also If I restart my computer the problem resolves and updates streaming without any problem.The problem occurs with the definition update.
It seems that there is a problem when Avast has to connect to bring the definitions and although it updates, the delay causes a problem.
My avast free version is 21.2.2455 and I have w7 so I can't update to another version.My wifi network is ok.
Please i will be very grateful if you help me.
Thanks a lot!