Author Topic: AVAST free+Zscaler VPN: no e-mail distribution via GMX possible from thunderbird  (Read 318 times)

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Hi folks,
every time if I am behind a ZSCALER VPN connetoion, no e-mail distribution will be possible via my GMX email mailbox from my thunderbide client.
I get the message "Senden der Nachricht fehlgeschlagen. Die Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden, weil die Verbindung mit dem SMTP-Server ihre Ablaufzeit (Timeout) überschritten hat. Versuchen Sie es nochmals." (in english: Failed to send the message. The message could not be sent because the connection to the SMTP server has exceeded its expiry time (timeout). Please try again.).
=> E-Mail distribution via other providers, e.g. gmail will be possible without probems - also via Zscaler VPN.
=> If I deactivate AVAST e.g. for 10 minutes, within this time e-mail delivery will be possible without problems alsi va GMX.
=> no other VPN connections will be affected by that behaviour.

I found another reason behind the initial error message about "concurrent connection limits". Zscaler user 95 concurrent connections, another 5 will be used by thunderbird. AVAST allows 96 connections (possibly thta's a limitation of the free version?).

Any Ideas for solving that problem - e.g via some parameters for the concurrent cnnections?
Thanks a lot in advance!