Author Topic: Webprotectionn does not seem to work, how to check it is functioning properly?  (Read 417 times)

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Offline Kees1958

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When I enter a domain (e.g. http://HTTPS:// and and in the website blocking feature of the web shield, it does not block anything when surfing to that domain with Chrome. Webshield also does not seem to doe anything (at least nothing to see in thw webshield log) when downloading EICAR test file.

When I check Chrome with Process Explorer I notice four DLL;s running related to AVAST inthe Chrome broker process (running with Medium IL)
- aswhook.dll (Avast Hook Library)
- aswAMSI.dll (Avast AMSI COM object)
- aswJsFlt.dll (Avast JavaScript Filter)
- snxhk.dll (Avast snxhk)   

The network, storage and GPU sub-processes of Chrome have 3 Avast DLL's loaded
- aswhook.dll (Avast Hook Library)
- aswJsFlt.dll (Avast JavaScript Filter)
- snxhk.dll (Avast snxhk)

The crashpad sub-process only has 2
- aswJsFlt.dll (Avast JavaScript Filter)
- aswhook.dll (Avast Hook Library)

The renderer sub-process also only has 2, but probably a different HooK library
- aswJsFlt.dll (Avast JavaScript Filter)
- snxhk.dll (Avast snxhk) my best guest is that this stands for Secure Network eXchange HooK DLL

When someone has suggestion how I can check webshield is working properly, I would be thankful
« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 08:33:07 AM by Kees1958 »

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