I wonder if it is actually detecting a Swen worm, or not.
More than likely it is. Avast usually picks up these pesty older variations which have been lying around computers undetected for long periods.
I had previously been using Norton's and kept it updated, but it never detected this slightly older worm.
Norton is not high on my list of great av's. AVAST is!
It is very important that you completely removed all traces of Norton! If you do not, then you may run into trouble with Avast.
Also, after scanning, I get a list of all the files infected. Some of these have errors and cannot be accessed?
The common reason that the files named in the scan cannot be accessed is usually because they are password protected, or stored in the System Restore folder.
Find the "passworded" files, remove the password and you can work with them.
As for the "system restore" files....disable the System Restore function and you will be able to access the files.
Please advise me on how to handle this. Also, what about the virus/worm cleaner program you have available for download?
See my post in this thread regarding Avast Virus Cleaner.
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=3319If I have the lastest version of the antivirus program,do I need the cleaner?
Yes, it doesn't hurt. As you found out, Avast CAN find viruses you didn't know you had.
If, despite all the security measures you take, your computer gets infected by a virus or worm, it is necessary to disinfect your system somehow. While for some viruses the only 100% realiable method of disinfection is restoring your system from backups, for many common infections this is not really necessary and the virus/worm can be removed quite easily.
Avast! Virus Cleaner is a free tool that will help you remove selected worm infections from your computer.
Look at it this way. Some viruses "wrap" themselves around other system applications and if you just delete them, then the operating system may fail to function!
The Cleaner does the job in the simplest, most complete method possible.
Good luck