Dear Forum,
I am a new member of this forum, but an AVAST user > 1 year.
Tried to kill lately some trojans and worms, however they keep on appaering on my pc. So I used another program to kill the worms:, next day they were back again and it appeared to come through P2P software. Removed these from my pc and so far not seen any virusse, worms, trojans yet.
To come back to the item I cannot solve and want to ask your advice and help in possible.
Since 2 weeks I get this message more then once a day:
AVAST!: Connection timeout
Internet connection timeout elapsed: Continue waiting?
[Server:; port 110]
When coming to my pc, sometimes it has opened > 1 screen
I use ASDL and an the whole day connected to internet
I would appreciate any advice how to get rid of this
Thanks in advance
best regards