Consumer Products > Avast Free Antivirus / Premium Security (legacy Pro Antivirus, Internet Security, Premier)

cab archive is corrupted

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When i run virus scan i get message: c:\windows software distribution\download .........unable to scan: CAB archive is corrupted. I tried system restore, windows repair an even reinstalled windows OS. Every time i download updates  AVAST reports corrupted files. Any ideas? :-\

Files that can't be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.
It just can't be scanned by avast. Maybe corrupted, maybe just packed in a different way that avast can't unpack.

Hey, but they should can be scanned. This happens with me, (and all btw I suppose) when I make boot scanning. And I think I have a clue of the reason. Igor, please look here. In my case, it usually happens with cabs and zips of driver files. Avast says many of them are corrupted with different message codes. And I verify and none of them is. It seems that when Avast tries to unpack them, if DLLs, VXDs and the like actually exists, Avast doesn't manage to unpack because it would cause a replacement of them, so thereby Windows stops its operation.
Well, I may be talking an ammount of bulls**t, but it deserves to be investigated.

Long live (cycle) to Avast!

Well, there's nothing to say without more information (such as the list of full filenames and corresponding error codes).

In any case, avast! certainly doesn't unpack archives into the system folder - that would be rather strange  ;D
So no, the content is irrelevant.

Normally if you have archive-checking active, avast will unpack each archive (assuming it can) into avast's own temp folder so the contents can be scanned.

And while there are rare exceptions, normally avast will delete the temp copies from that folder once the scanning's done.


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