(I received an email on 2-5-8 at 5:54 saying that Alan has replied me but I don't see the answer, why dissappeard?)
Hey boys ! still alive!
Its difficult to respond 4 or more forims and surfing at the same time !
Lately other things has damaged in my house besides of my pc: bath, switch, boiler and the motorbike (again). I dont know if my electric installation has damaged or someone simply cursed me. Is for all of this that takes me so much time to reply here (and for Im spanish!
) im always repairing things!
Well, ill start with
tarq: you are right, wear a condom its not guarantee, you can get pubic lice. But lets stop talk about it, it starts itching me all..
Fortunately I dont use IM and I use yahoo web and the avirus embedded to download the email attachments. I dont like tweaking the PC, can be broken down? Optimizers can overclock CPU? as well as internet what parts of PC optimizers improve?
spyderspyder: is not fair that you talk like this of Spybot. It warned me of the override of firewall windows (I don't know why Windows don't warned me). I don't touch never the registry feature and never damaged the registry. BTW spybot warns about it. In fact when starts program under the Spybot logo appear:
use it under your responsability (in spanish). I use CCleaner for cleaning registry and never dameged anything.
How can you say that
Superantispyware free is better than Spybot if dont have
Real-Time Blocking?
http://www.superantispyware.com/superantispywarefreevspro.html A-Squared free neither
prevent against malware, only scans and remove it:
Windows Defender is available to customers running genuine Microsoft Windows and needs a validation. I dont have an origianl windows so i cant download it.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=435BFCE7-DA2B-4A6A-AFA4-F7F14E605A0D&displaylang=enSo seems that my only choice is use Spybot?
Windows firewall is good as far as it goes, but:
- it only stops stuff getting in; it allows outgoing traffic (and interaction between programs) without question ;
But the outgoimg traffic isnt necesary to communicate with exterior?
If stops enter stuff cant interact with programs?
- it freely allows other programs to turn it off without warning (eg, ZoneAlarm)!
YEAH programs or virus,cause in othe pc the firewall XP was disabled for someone or soemthing. Iaws 1 week analyzing with avast and adawre (sucks) and anything was founded. Then I downl istall and run Spybot and first detect:
antiviruas and firewall override so I thank for it.
Im thinking in the f***ing ballons of windows notifications. Always annoying every x minutes saying (like now)
espacio de disco insuficiente! free space insufficient? and DONT ALERT ME OF SO MUCH IMPORTANT THING LIKE THE OVERRIDE OF HIS DAMNED FIREWALL!!! Whats de use of the notif ballons then???
techa-squared has an aggressive false positive detection and a very poor restoration eficacy (specially on Registry restoration). Well, my personal opinion and experience.
Windows Defender has a poor detection rate (imho).
its like the antivirus spanish panda. Some aVirus bosats of detect more vrus than others and most of them are
false positives. Do you know/used Panda?
davidrsorry but my english is very basic as you can see
I dont understand that:
I wouldn't have been able to select Immunisation to be informed by Spybot S&D that I have spywareblaster installed which at that time had better immunisation.
So spybot is aying that spywareblaster is better for inmjnisation? Let's see, when we click inmunisation activates Tea Timer, the resident module ? (probably I ve to post this on spybot forum). BTW you say this on Spybot forum? Cuse avast now have antispy can I deactivate Real Time protection on Spybot?
omg! 3 days to write this!
Could I ve replied to 2 but I prefer answer all at same time.I find it very difficult posting here cause this is tech english and I consulted wordreference tranlator dozens of times! but is worth of it ->