I downloaded md69.zip and my scan doesn't crash any more but I am still getting loads of err 13's, a couple of 60's and some 42210's
No one came back on my point about err 13 (permission denied) - I am not trying to be a smart **se - I am just trying to get to know my new MAC but if a virus can get at a file that avast can't (would that ever be possible?), simply not reporting err 13's somewhat negates the avast virus checker
Well if avast is reporting err 13 then it does not have permission to read it. Please understand that Mac OS X is UNIX based, in UNIX you set permissions on a file (usually with the chmod command) to determine who has read, write and execute permission for a file.
Most system files, files owned by the System (Mac OS X itself) will not be able to be read, or modified by avast, its the way Apple has the permissions set. Also other files may have permissions set this way (again the chmod command can change the permissions on a file).
If only the system has access to read a file then the chances of a virus infecting said file are slim, so again you do not need to worry about avast not being able to scan it.
UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X are very different Operating systems than Windows
If you want to see permissions for yourself, pick any file or directory and Right-Click it and choose Get Info and look under Sharing & Permissions. If you pick a file that avast reports err13 on you will see that you most likely are assigned No Access.
To Learn More about the chmod command open the Teminal and type
man chmod
An Example of chmod would be
chmod 777
Which would assign read, write and execute privlages to everyone.
chmod 755
Would Assign Read, Write and Execute to the Owner of the file and Read & Execute to everyone else.