Some interesting observations on the Scan Crash problem I have already posted (as repeated below);
When I initiated the scan of my Hard Drive volume, the scanner counted the number of files on my hard drive. It stopped with the count at around 540,000 files and the scan started. The progress bar moved across steadily as the scan progressed and reached 100%, but the scan activity continued for around 30 minutes !! When THE DAEMON DIED error occurred and the scan stopped, the scan reported that it had scanned 707,941 files !!
Could it be that the scan is failing to recognise when all the files have been scanned and it starts scanning again (or scans the last file over and over??) until a time-out or capacity issue arises
Hi, After downloading 2.74 for Mac I have tried to run 2 scans of my hard drive. Both times the scan has stopped at the same point (after about 1.5 hours and 856,000 items scanned) with the message "The Application com.avast.MacAvast.MAD quit unexpectedly". There is also a message saying "Daemon Died". Do I have a problem ?? Can this be fixed ?? Many thanks again!!
this is technically possible (could be one of the very rare effects of the PATHMAX/MAXPATH-mess flaw).
But, normally, this shouldn't occur. Please, try those steps:
- ensure that the avast's persistent mode is off (preferences...)
- then, quit both avast app and agent (from menubar)
- download this file the file will unzip and the resulting com.avast.MacAvast.MAD will be created
- put the resulting file to the /Applications/avast\!.app/Contents/Resources (use "show package contents" over avast's icon in Finder)
- then start the app again, and the problem should be (let's hope) gone
Please, let me know, whether this helped. In the past, we had similar problem, but with absolutely different cause (double descriptor reading and internal libSystem buffer desync as consequence - it was quite pain to find the real cause