I found the following in the log,
14.08.08 05:35:19.811 Got expiration "13.10.2009"
14.08.08 05:35:19.813 Licence OK
14.08.08 05:39:15.111 Checking for update (manually: 0)
14.08.08 05:39:15.415 Update failed (507), falling back...
14.08.08 05:42:57.336 File operation: Move to Chest, 1 objects
14.08.08 05:42:57.825 real operation: Move to Chest on "/Users/Keith/Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/27v46w6i.default/Cache/3BDAE9BBd01" (chested (null)) success 1
14.08.08 05:44:15.688 Got expiration "13.10.2009"
14.08.08 05:44:15.689 Licence OK
14.08.08 05:44:30.334 Scanning 1 paths (auto 0):
14.08.08 05:44:30.335 /
14.08.08 07:25:47.786 Daemon launched
14.08.08 07:25:52.265 Scanned: aborted 0, items: 975224, files: 776731, viruses: 0, warnings: 427
14.08.08 07:25:54.199 Daemon pid 2969 priority 0 reports trial 0 (0.000000 days)
14.08.08 07:25:54.270 Got expiration "13.10.2009"
14.08.08 07:25:54.272 Licence OK
Hope it helps