hi guys, new to the forum, so go easy on me
looking for some help regarding an issue that has arisen, and would be grateful for any help in rectifying.
i am new to Avast (free/home) only been using it for 3 days since my last reformat, so still trying to get to grips with things.
i am currently doing a virus scan, and its thrown up this issue, and a subsequent search of the net has intimated that it is probably a false positive, but would like some clarification if possible -
Malware was found in Rosetta Stone ProgramData folder, but i am pretty sure it is a false positive, can anyone confirm. i trust the rosetta stone software, and i also have the most up to date flash player (from my serches i found that flash player can cause this issue if its not most recent version)
the image that avast is presenting to me
what virus total has to say
i tried moving to chest initially, but Avast wont let me do that. (Edit - i am now able to move it to chest, where do i go from nere re allowing it)
if this is a false positive how do i allow it?
i hope i have provided enough info
any help would be greatly appreciated