First i want to say that i have a PhD in computer science and worked on MMI (Man-Machine Interface) problems.
Ok, here are the most significant things i've noticed (skin GUI):
I think the worse thing for the understanding of a software is inconsistencies (the same thing has different names) and there are a lot !!!
here are few examples :
The software is called "programme", "application", "avast". I prefere one of the two last.
The on-acces protection : "protection résidente", "scan résident", "scanner résident". I prefere "protection résidente".
the scan action : "scanner", "scan", "tester", "vérifier". I prefere "analyser".
the scan area : "aire", "zone", "dossier". I prefere "dossier".
Some popups inform to press the button to do something and some don't. Well i think everyone knows that one have to press the button to do something. It just makes the sentence long and sometimes the popup goes out before you can read the whole sentence.
Stop informing users to press the button !! Just inform them about the function of the button.
Words not translated :
"Exit" should be "Fermer".
"On", "Off" could be "Oui", "Non".
There are a lot more things that could be done better but it takes too long describing them that way. I would like to help you improve the french translation (and why not the english version which also has inconsistencies). Do you have a file containing all the sentences in english and their actual french equivalent ?
It would be much easier and faster for me to work with such a file !!