Halio Doomer,
As a test pilot of the latest Firefox trunkbuilds, and into security for Firefox (and Flock) for some time now (bugzilla, MozillaZine) I am strongly opposed to such discussions. A more secure and safer browser just does not exist at the moment, not seen from the standpoint of being vulnerable as from the standpoint of offering some form of secured privacy. It simply does not exist, and there are parties involved that do everything to prevent such a rare bird to evolve, if we will ever see it. A British professor foretold that we will not experience ANY personal privacy towards the year 2011, and no one will mind because it will be the same for everyone....
There are a couple of things that are greatly favorable to the malcreants to topple the scale over to their side: script, enhanced functionality (webbugs, Super cookies, ID tags, redirects, injection with dangerous code), outdated protocols that were not developed with any modern Internet security environment in mind (see recent and perturbing problems). It is a contant struggle against a deluge of malware, and the dykes should be strong. To loose oneself in an endless hopeless discussion which browser is better security wise is showing that one does not really understand what issues are involved, and what the real threats are or may become,