Hi one and all,
It’s been a while since I have been on this forum and as is my custom I am back with a problem.
First off, since I didn’t get to do this earlier and since it’s common courtesy, I would like to wish every member of the forum a Happy New Year. May 2009 bring much joy and fewer malware (this is an anti-virus web forum... I had to mention malware somewhere in there).
Now that that is done, here is my issue. I have an HP laptop, brand new...well almost, that gives me a problem with Avast. The specs for the computer as well as screen shots of the problem are attached at the bottom. The laptop hardware and software are up to date.
The problem occurs when I try to open avast. I double click and I get the splash window. It scans, and then I see the message that the program loads. But after the splash window disappears avast doesn’t start. I look in Task Manager and it doesn’t show either. After that I double click on the Avast shortcut again and avast starts normally, splash window and all (except the splash window does the scanning much faster, about in half the time). If I then click the drop down menu in avast and select Skin, I end up seeing the section of the menu that has the Skin option in it on top of any window regardless if I close avast or not. I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling but to no avail. I tried the repair option in the add/remove option in the windows program section and still no use. Any hints or suggestions and solutions are welcomed.