Author Topic: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)  (Read 194658 times)

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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #255 on: October 29, 2009, 07:52:08 AM »
I am saying it is the weakest because it is the youngest. It is there or there about's at the moment and it is getting there quicker then any other AV has done in such a short space of time. I know you was not talking about virus defs but I was covering what makes a AV "powerful" now your asking me how I picked my AV. Well If Comodo was not a suite I would of most likely used Avast and if Avast worked on my system I would of used that, and turned off Comodo's AV and used it as a on demand scanner. The suite at Comodo comes with a firewall and defence + as well as Comodo memory firewall (for buffer overflows) and CBOclean all built in. When Avast 5 comes out I will be the first to give it a run for it's money. As for detection methods I have covered that with this statement. "You can't really judge a AV as what one does not pick up the other one's mostly will." In saying that would I use the AV as a stand alone? No way Jose! With the suite as a whole if gives excellent (I believe) protection. Am I am fanboy? I don't think I am but of course everybody has their own mind and can judge for themselves.

My feelings exactly. Avast! is more powerful and feature rich when compared to Comodo AV on it's own. However, within the total package of CIS, the AV performs it's function very well and there is no need to use any other anti virus program instead of it. It's detection rate is now very high.

 I have only been using CIS since version 3.8, so I have no experience with the earlier versions
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 07:55:04 AM by Dch48 »


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #256 on: October 29, 2009, 11:57:34 AM »
Kevin's side of the story is so bizarre as to be barely believable... were it not for the fact that it ties in so well with the observed CIS issues.
You mean, "Kevin's side of the story is so bizarre that it would be barely believable...were it not for the fact..."?

If so, I agree that it's somehow convincing.  What struck me when I visited their boards was the clear lack of communication skill in some of their employees while the skill is said to be getting increasingly important among programmers since programming became more specialized into various brunches of specialized areas.  This is probably not enough reason for the majority to stop using their products, though.

Offline Vladimyr

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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #257 on: October 29, 2009, 03:03:31 PM »
You mean, "Kevin's side of the story is so bizarre that it would be barely believable...were it not for the fact..."?

Yes that's what I meant. Thanks for improving my post. :)

I'm surprised that the bit about "mad" Max reverse engineering NOD32 hasn't been removed. ESET might find it particularly interesting.
There is a way that seems right to a man,
       but in the end it leads to death
.” - Proverbs 16:25


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #258 on: October 29, 2009, 03:24:05 PM »
hard to take seriously a company allowing its internal issues to be exposed publicly anyway  ::) ...all the details given by its manager, this is so ridiculous.


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #259 on: October 29, 2009, 09:08:57 PM »
I have a somewhat a different take here. Namely that its my responsibility as an end user to protect my self from the " the bad guys"
who write malicious code. Bottom line, my cpu is simply a box of rocks without brain or logic,  that will run good or malicious code interchangeably.

If nothing else, I am not as fast as a cpu that will run malicious code within milliseconds, so therefore I must rely on other software that can prevent such code from running. Thankfully, there are a plethora of such "security" programs freely available on both a freeware and commercial basis. Some may offer better detection than others, some may be more bloated than others, but none of them are perfect. And worse yet, any security program uses  cpu cycles as a form of a tax on the computer system. And because an active anti virus program guards against only the worst threats, AV's have the highest potential for bloat.

With lesser type threats being more the Provence of spyware type programs that tend to be less active and rely on after the fact removal in subsequent scans. The threats detected by an active anti virus is large enough as it is and sadly growing every day, including the vastly bigger data base of spyware type threats would mean any active anti virus would slow even the fastest computer to a crawl if it examined every incoming file for threats in its database.

And therefore I have to look at it also from the point of view of the hacker, they want to get me and I want to prevent it. So it becomes somewhat of a double risk reward problem. I can bloat my computer up with every anti malware program on the planet and thus slow my computer to a crawl while also risking my various anti malware programs conflicting among themselves, or I can go to very light or none at all, insuring my protection is inadequate, or I can try to find ways to whittle the problem down to size with a multilayered security system based on prevention and some redundancy. If one layer does not stop the threat before  it gets to the cpu, one needs other layers that will.

So, IMHO a security system needs more than just a firewall, an active anti virus, and more passive anti spyware programs that will help make the life of spyware programs that slip through nasty brutish and short. And that what extra is needed is HIPs and HOST files, process control programs that will not allow new code to run without seeking user permission under the theory that if it can't install it can't infect, plus some gasp user self education on how to surf safely. And without that latter step, no amount of software programs can protect anyone. I should also mention that the OS and browsers continually needs patching, secunia can alert us to other programs that need patched for security holes, and the best single step is to web surf using a limited account with a full software restriction policy. Or one can run a virtual OS that when infected can be dumped and replaced with a clean copy.

But when it comes to the comodo firewall or the somewhat similar on line armor firewall, they are not really all that different from any other multilayered security system. They simply incorporate traditional firewall function while adding HIP Host files with process control. Meaning you get all in one program rather than having to use multiple programs. But when it comes to adding an AV to comodo, I do not think comodo antivirus part has the detection rates to be even remotely resembling competitive with any of the better commercial and freeware anti virus programs  at this point in time. Maybe in the distant future comodo CIS will become a viable choice, but until then, I will continue to use the comodo firewall but will pass on the CIS. But I can sure understand that a programming team can differ on approaches, so I read nothing into Kevin leaving Comodo.

As for the security system I use, it seems to keep both my wife's and my computer free from problems for many years running. But I keep changing some things to try to get better protection while going as lean as possible. But we all still make our choices while taking our chances. And IMHO, with the huge supply of almost unprotected computers to hack, why should the bad guys work extra hard to get my computers?

But I eagerly await AVAST 5 final for my wife's computer, as for me, I still use Avira. What tips the balance in my mind is the email pre screening that Avast has and Avira personal lacks. But who know, Avast 5 may cause me to switch.


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #260 on: October 30, 2009, 02:00:16 AM »
...Uninstall Comodo ...

yea, right ???.  Your better off just reformatting and reinstalling your OS from srcatch.  I still dont think they get everything they need to, or maybe they just dont leave things the way they were...anyhow, its a feat left for Christ :o.


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #261 on: October 30, 2009, 03:46:32 PM »
It is not hard to uninstall Comodo at all, but why would anyone want to?

Offline patrice58

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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #262 on: November 15, 2009, 03:05:57 PM »
Amen to that  ;)
Vista Home Premium 32 bit (user account) CISC 4.1.150349.920 + CAV (On Access) + Sandbox,V-Engine, SpywareBlaster 4.3, SAS (free), a-squared (free) MBAM (free) Finjan Secure Browsing, Windows Defender (scanner only), Zemana AntiLogger,


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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #263 on: November 15, 2009, 03:12:02 PM »
the post you refer to is rather old (jan2009) and the poster never suggested to uninstall Comodo  ::) he only said he suggested to run Comodo FW and no CAV, which is wise enough. When quoting, quote an entire statement  ;)

Answer is yes but who really needs 2 AV ( these big dinausors I run them only from time to time and a full scan takes hours). I recommend using AVAST and Comodo FW. Uninstall Comodo AV, it's poor on virus detection. ;D

Offline patrice58

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 10:48:29 PM by patrice58 »
Vista Home Premium 32 bit (user account) CISC 4.1.150349.920 + CAV (On Access) + Sandbox,V-Engine, SpywareBlaster 4.3, SAS (free), a-squared (free) MBAM (free) Finjan Secure Browsing, Windows Defender (scanner only), Zemana AntiLogger,

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« Reply #265 on: November 18, 2009, 12:09:35 AM »
you cant compare between av and IS.but you can compare avast and CAV:avast better than cav in just about every thing except FP.
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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #266 on: November 18, 2009, 03:12:32 AM »

Maybe,but I thank you can get that with a lot less.

On my system,running all that stuff in real-time,would cripple it
more effectively than most malware.

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« Reply #267 on: November 18, 2009, 08:19:16 AM »
i use at this moment avast+threat fire+comodo firewall+its defense plus+mbam
and every thing work fine.
notice i usually change those products so for that i dont write signature like other brothers here
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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #268 on: November 18, 2009, 08:38:46 AM »
I understand,Akh.
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(I am Muslim revert from America).

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Re: Avast home vs CIS (Comodo Internet Security)
« Reply #269 on: November 18, 2009, 09:14:11 AM »
Maybe we should not enter malicious sites also because they can't assure 100%protection^^