Author Topic: Hundreds of Error messages in event viewer SBS 2003 standard and Avast server  (Read 9873 times)

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I am getting horrible perfomance from my server in the last few days and the event viewer is showing this message every few seconds.

Database command failed [CServer::Event, 80040E14]: Could not allocate space for object 'Event' in database 'avast' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. 

Any Suggestions?


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I have the same me please :(


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Bringing an old thread back from the dead. It's the only instance I can find of this error message.
I am getting this error on Avast Distributed Network Manager 4.8.941

Hundreds of log files, bloating to 5 gigabytes or more overnight.

Emailing Avast support has been nothing but aggravating, as they keep telling me to change settings on the clients. But the logs aren't client side, they're on the server. And there are no options in ADNM Console to set log options.

3/9/2009   9:14:08 AM   1236604448   SYSTEM   1568   Database command failed [CServer::Event, 80040E14]: Could not allocate space for object 'Event' in database 'avast' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.

There is plenty of space on the server, at least until the log bloat eats it all up.

How can I fix this? I'm pulling my hair out here.

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What DB do you use? MSDE?  ;)


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We’re using MSDE for a few reasons…

When we install SQL 2005 express (free) same thing happens, and avast says “2005 express cant handle the size”.

When we use the full SQL 2000 locally installed, the same thing happens.

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Yes, SBS has limit anyway - you can usually set the size of DB in Full SQL, but I think DB over 2 GB is not much useful anyway. Problem is that MS databases are not able handle free space well - it means that DB can have 2 GB but should be quite empty ;-).

Solution for this is just delete DB and make a new one. There is possibility to avoid the issue if you periodically shrink the DB, nevertheless if you have very high traffic and you will log many events the DB will sometimes overloaded.

note: if the DB is overloaded the shrink doesn't work already


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We'll give that a shot and let you know what happens.

Many thanks!


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Sorry to double post, but turns out we didn't need to delete the db, the sqlagent$avast service failed to start for some reason. Starting the service eliminates the massive error logs.

Now the problem is the process sqlservr.exe starts hogging ram. It starts out at a reasonable 40 mb or so, and after a few hours ballooned to 1.6 gb before I had to kill the process and restart it. Stopping the service in services.msc had no effect.

::edit:: Ok, so I was incorrect. The service is running and error logs are still being generated with the same error as I copied above. The process is still hogging memory also. We'll try deleting and recreating the database tonight.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 05:49:49 PM by jsmithTRN »

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Yes, it is sad but sometimes is quite necessary delete the DB and start again. Please let me know how it works with new DB, Thank.


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Ok, backed up, then deleted the DB. Created a new one. Now for some reason the ADNM console is way too slow… and everything I try to do (edit settings, create groups, etc) end with “operation could not be completed”.

May be slow because it's still pulling info on the clients, we'll let it sit for a while and try later.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 07:14:38 PM by jsmithTRN »

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Unfortunately the issue is exactly what you said  :(.
When the clients discharge all stuck events into new DB, delete it again  ::) and then you will be out of the mess  :)


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Ah, I was wondering if that would happen. Thanks for all the help!