Author Topic: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?  (Read 14170 times)

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2009, 07:58:27 PM »
Thanks David & Tarq!

I'm an ass then, I installed the ClamAV *and* the Crawler Toolbar =o/

So should I uninstall ST now and then install one of the other ones you guys mentioned? And when it uninstalls should it take ClamAv & Crawler Toolbar with it or I'll have to sort that out myself some other way?

I'll wait for instructions since I seem to have chosen the wrong things by just using my own best judgment. Yikes o_O haha

Thanks again, I'd be adrift in a sea of tears without you guys =o)

** Also, the report log thing, it was wicked long, it showed like everything it'd scanned. I might be on the wrong track with which part you guys were saying was the report. I just clicked "Report" and then there was a massive amount of info there. Looked like all the files it'd scanned. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 08:00:24 PM by am1432 »

Offline DavidR

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2009, 08:09:48 PM »
You're welcome.

I would suggest uninstalling spyware terminator and installing both of the others.
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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2009, 08:17:07 PM »
Will do, thanks tons, David! =oD

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2009, 09:23:00 PM »
No problem.
Windows 10 Home 64bit/ Acer Aspire F15/ Intel Core i5 7200U 2.5GHz, 8GB DDR4 memory, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD - 27" external monitor 1440p 2560x1440 resolution - avast! free  24.9.6130 (build 24.9.9452.762) UI 1.0.818/ Firefox, uBlock Origin Lite, uMatrix/ MailWasher Pro/ Avast! Mobile Security


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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2009, 10:05:29 PM »
I'm stuck on step 7 =o/

I can't find "Immunize" anywhere.

I downloaded the updates for it, but I can't see anything that says scan. It showed a list of cookies and I clicked "Protect against checked items" -- was that all it's supposed to do?

Sorry I'm such a pylon =o/

There's a special place in Heaven for you guys, I'm sure of it. Patience of fricken saints yas have, rockin'! <3

Offline Tarq57

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2009, 10:15:27 PM »
Click on the link (where the cursor is pictured) "enable all protection".
This isn't a scanner; it will prevent known bad sites and cookies from loading. Once the immunity has been applied, the program can (and should) be closed. It doesn't have to be active to provide the immunity.
Updates happen every week or so.
Pretty useful extra layer of protection, really, at no system cost.
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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2009, 10:18:59 PM »
Tarq - I did click the 'Enable all protection' button when it installed like it told me to. That was 'Immunizing' it?

If not, I still can't find anything that says immunize.

I also did the whole dealy of cflosing it after I just finished looking for the bajillionth time for something with the word immunize.

Hoping I already immunized and I'm just a jackass for looking for the literal 'Immunize' button *doh*

Thanks tons for the reply! =oD

Offline Tarq57

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2009, 10:28:18 PM »
You're all good. "Enable all protection" (and similar phrases, such as "enable protection for unprotected items") equals immunise.
The category of protection provided falls under the generic description "immunity" though it doesn't use that terminology within the program.
An example of a program that does use "immunity" on the GUI is Spybot.
(Best not to have too many applications doing the same thing, though. It can start to slow down loading of pages.)
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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2009, 10:32:44 PM »
Tarq - You broke it down into words I can understand, thanks bunches!!! ^5

Ok so then now that I've downloaded the things I was told to here, should I uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy?

As of right now I have that installed and apparently running because I see the little S&D dude in the tray. SAS is also there. Right now they seem friendly enough and pages aren't loaded slowly for me.

I hope they pay you guys for this stuff, it's solid gold! <3

Offline Tarq57

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2009, 11:34:35 PM »
It's your choice. My personal thinking is not to be in too much of a hurry to uninstall Spybot, it is fairly old tech, and the apps. such as MBAM and SAS do seem overall better equipped for finding and removing modern malware threats, but S&D is still under active development and has a helpful forum, too. The developer is clearly very well motivated and has been doing this for quite a while.

The "little dude in the tray" will be the Teatimer, which guards against some registry changes. This can be useful. Sometimes it can create a confliction or problem with some other applications. If you have anything like this happen, turning the Teatimer off would be a good first troubleshooting step.  If you have the "immunize" function in Spybot active, make sure that you remove it before uninstalling the program, if you choose to uninstall it.
(I have S&D installed, Teatimer and immunity off. Other Guards off. I keep it purely as a scanner.)
If you remove the immunity in S&D, you will notice that it also disables some of the SpywareBlaster entries, that should then be re-enabled.

SAS defaults to starting with Windows. The program claims this is recommended, because it is better able to protect itself from malware when running. (Seems reasonable. Never had a problem, myself.) Unless you have the realtime active, which means you've purchased it, I see little point in having it start with Windows, personally, but I just use it for demand scans (not that often) and update it only once a fortnight, or prior to scanning. This works for me, and may work for you, too. I treat MBAM in a similar fashion; updates for MBAM are a lot faster in my corner of the globe, so if I have any reason to run a demand scan, MBAM is usually the one I use first.

Of course Avast pay us for helping here, by giving us this excellent and problem free antivirus.  ;D
No cash changes hands.
It's actually quite clever of Avast to have provided this forum, where often the developers look and help too, and in the past, before I joined, the forum has developed this sort of aura of willing and non-judgmental help, with a lot of technical expertise. It has gained a reputation for being one of the best security forums on the net. My motivation (and I suspect others also) for helping here is that I had a lot of problems in the past when I started messing with computers (totally ignorant) and got a lot of free help, from several sites. There's a lot of very good quality free software around. Quite mind-blowing, really. So it's a kind of pay back for that. With the benefit of learning a heck of a lot from the folk who have seen and done a lot more, or different stuff than me. It has also become a bit of a hobby, for the interest value, and keeping up to date with what's going on with security and web stuff generally.

Other software producers have their own forums too, of course, and some of them are good. I guess the first few members of the Avast forum set the tone of the forum for all those that followed, and it's carried on. Pretty decent of them to set that example, doncha think?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 11:36:27 PM by Tarq57 »
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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2009, 11:42:12 PM »
Tarq - Totally! I figured it was possibly people doing it for free, but then you guys answer so quickly and all even when i ask something else every hour, I was hoping you'd be paid for it!

As long as everyone here's happy, that's all that matters. One day I'll back some cookies and send yas some or something haha =o)

Thanks again for all the help, I'm gonna re-read what you just posted there a couple more times so it sinks in and then see what I'll do with the stuff, but happy I didn't spin off on my own and uninstall S&D! Rockin'!

You guys are totally dope, thanks again to everyone who gave me advice <3


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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2009, 02:17:44 AM »
Hey again Everyone =o)

Ok, so if I want to be pretty sure I don't have any infection from this Conficker deal, if I do everything that I was told to do here, should that be pretty much guaranteed?

I'm one of the paranoids who's not using the computer starting tomorrow afternoon, and from what I've my understanding is if I didn't have any infection, then it's turned off till Apr. 2, I should be safe, yes?

If there's anything else I should beyond what I've already installed to use, please gimme a run down fit for someone as techtarded as myself.

Thanks for all the help, everyone! <3

Offline Tarq57

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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2009, 02:36:31 AM »
If scans come up clean, and if your browser is connecting normally to the sites intended (including the main security sites..browse to some of them) and if you are able to connect to Windows Update, and update your security apps, you almost certainly don't have it. And the "almost" is only there as a token.
Leaving the computer off until April 2 is probably not going to make any difference. If you had it (you don't) and just decided to leave it off on "the day" (which may not even be "the day"), the malware would just go "Activate" as soon as an internet connection fed it the signal. If the signal is to be released on April 1, it's still likely to be active on the 2nd, and 3rd...especially with the numbers of host sites the experts are talking about; believed to be over 50000.
But why don't you set your browser to prompt for running active scripts, in all zones, just to help with that little bit extra hardening? (If you use Firefox, "NoScript" does this for you.)
Try Googling "computer layered defence". Likely some worthwhile reading. You have a good basic defence. Don't be too paranoid.
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Re: "Unable to Scan Archive Files: Password Protected"?
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2009, 03:02:44 AM »
Thanks, Tarq, you rock! I just did the No Script dealy.

It's got a little yellow bar at the bottom, I'm leaving it there since I have no clue what to do with, it seems fine but if it isn't and someone sees this, instruct me please!

I so love this site! <3